In recent years, telephone extortion calls have been increasing and one of the numbers in Mexico that has had the most reports is 8110906646.
Where are these calls coming from?
The number 8110906646 corresponds to the LADA of the state of Nuevo León and has reports of possible collection calls, from banks, Telemarketing, Advertising, Contests, and on other occasions they simply do not answer.
In addition, it is very likely that it will be used to make extortion or harassing telephone calls.
What to do in case of receiving a call of Extortion or Telephone Harassment?
If you receive a call from the number 8110906646 and you do not know who it comes from, we suggest you do not answer it.
In the event that you do so or a relative answers and has given personal information, it is very important to talk with the family about this issue and make sure that you take the necessary measures to avoid falling into possible extortion or telephone harassment.
If during the call they tell you that they have kidnapped a relative, or that they need you to deposit a certain amount of money at that moment, do not do it, hang up and contact your relatives immediately, as well as the corresponding authorities.
If it is from collection offices, they must adhere to a code of ethics and they should never call you after 11 p.m. and before 6 a.m. and they should never use loud or threatening language.
If so, you can report them to the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef).
What are the steps I should follow when faced with a possible extortion or harassment call?
- Listens.
- Hanging.
- Get in touch with your relatives and notify them of what happened.
- Complaint.
Where can I report an extortion call?
To report an extortion phone call, contact national emergency number 911your call will be completely confidential.
Have you received a call from the number 8110906646? What happened?