Learn how to make a Mai Tai recipe in a simple and easy way!
Mai Tai
servingsPrep time
minutesCooking timeminutes
To make your Mai Tai drink, you will need the ingredients below and follow the step-by-step preparation method.
60ml (2oz) dark rum
25ml (5/6oz) fresh lime juice
15ml (1/2oz) triple sec or curacao
10ml (1/4oz) orgeat syrup
5-10ml (1/4oz) rich demerara sugar syrup*
Spent lime husk
Mint sprig to garnish
- In a in a cocktail shaker, add 60ml (2oz) dark rum;
- Add 25ml (5/6oz) fresh lime juice;
- Add 15ml (1/2oz) triple sec or curacao;
- Add 10ml (1/4oz) orgeat syrup;
- Add 5-10ml (1/4oz) rich demerara sugar syrup*;
- Just gonna fill your shaker tin up with ice, pop your tins together;
- Shake;
- Add to whatever kind of fun tiki glass you have or a rocks glass out of the fridge or freezer.
- Add big fresh mint sprig;
- Add Spent lime husk;
- Your Mai Tai is ready!