
Pregnancy is one of the vital states most surrounded by myths and recommendations of dubious quality. All of them full of affection and a desire to help, but also based on personal experience and what was known at the time the spontaneous counselor in question experienced the pregnancy. Medical knowledge advances, life changes, and if we add to this that each pregnancy is unique and different from the rest, it is difficult to differentiate which of all these tips we should put into practice and which not.

If we add to all this access to the inexhaustible source of knowledge (but also of ignorance) that is the internet, it is easy to fill our heads with fears about what cannot/should not be done during a pregnancy. we want to live with a clear conscience and we repeat phrases such as “I don’t know if this is true, but for me it doesn’t stay”, “I’m going to do everything in my power”, “yes, total… it’s only 9 months”. Phrases that on many occasions lead us to stop doing things that make us happy for fear of the consequences, such as: stop traveling However, the information manual for pregnant women delivered by the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Madrid specifies it very clearly in one of its points:

“Travel in general is not contraindicated. It is not advisable to travel to places with few sanitary services. Towards the end of pregnancy it is recommended to avoid long trips. Air travel is not contraindicated.

So why is there a belief that it is better not to travel while pregnant?

Las airlines and shipping companies, have specific access restrictions for pregnant women from the 28th week of gestation (depending on the duration of the flight this restriction may vary) and the IATA Medical Manual (International Air Transport Association) recommends not flying from week 36although in case of need and with a medical report, it is allowed.


Many people think that these restrictions have to do with avoid danger which involves exposing a baby inside the uterus to high pressures. However, an airplane cabin is pressurized and the sheltered baby to small pressure changes by amniotic fluid. In fact, the first thing we find when entering the pregnant travel section of various airlines is that FLYING PREGNANT IS NOT CONTRAINDICATED. These restrictions have to do with avoiding the possibility of having to attend a birth in flight and dealing with the consequences that the result of this intervention may have for the company in question, but in no case, with the safety of the baby or the mother. mother inside the plane

We are one of those who faithfully believe in the benefits of travel at all levels and, although depending on the point of pregnancy, the type of trip that can be made must be adapted and certain destinations avoided, that does not mean that in a normal pregnancy, traveling is contraindicated.


However, as we have said before, when it comes to pregnancy, personal opinions do not count. That is why we have invited a professional expert on the subject to give us your opinion on the matter.

Maribel Martín is a midwife, nurse, occupational therapist, audiovisual communicator, mother and Also, blogger at, where it helps to solve many of these doubts related to pregnancy and parenting. We leave you with his expert opinion and we invite you to visit his blog if you have any other questions about it:

One of the big questions that arise in pregnancy is can I travel while pregnant? There are plenty of opinions here but once again most of them are not very positive and In the end, the mother-to-be loses her desire to travel and decides to leave it for when the baby is born. I have to tell you that yes you can travel during pregnancy, and although you have to consider the points that I am going to list below, if it is a normal pregnancy, you will be able to travel without problems.


Let’s start at the beginning, can I travel in all quarters? It will depend on the means of transport, and the distance.

  • 1st trimester: many times, the trips in this trimester are made without knowing that you are pregnant or because you already had a trip reserved and surprise! the two lines have appeared. If it is a normal pregnancy, you have not bled and nobody has told you that you have to rest (I am not referring to the neighbor, but to a doctor), you can travel in peace. Of course, if you have to get a vaccine, assess whether the trip is essential, because the first trimester is when the baby is being formed and the less medication the better is recommended. And if you travel to a foreign country without a health agreement, consider the possibility of having travel health insurance.


  • 2nd trimester: this is undoubtedly the best quarter to travel, nausea has probably disappeared and mom is less tired. If you are going to travel outside the country, as in the first trimester, the ideal is that you do not need to get vaccinated, and you will surely need a paper signed by the gynecologist stating your probable date of delivery so that they let you get on the plane.
  • 3rd trimester: this is the most complicated quarter to travel, the mother is already more tired and you will have many medical appointments as the due date approaches. In this quarter, most airlines will make it difficult for you to get on the plane. Still, it’s a trimester when you can travel somewhere to relax and prepare before the baby arrives. I know many parents who, a couple of weeks before, have gone to the beach or mountains for a week, to be alone; and this has helped them a lot in the postpartum period.


Basic recommendations depending on the means of transport used.

  • Plane: If you are going to get on a plane, you have to wear comfortable clothes, a bottle of water (it is important to be hydrated), and every so often take a little walk down the aisle.
  • Coach: By car you have to stop at least every two hours. Get out of the car, take a walk, drink water and pee.
  • Moto: sorry for the bikers, but during pregnancy, it is important that you change your means of transport. Just like with the bike. Keep in mind that the balance changes a lot during pregnancy and there is a greater risk of falling.
  • Bus: If it is a long trip, I do not recommend it, it is not the most comfortable means of transport to travel while pregnant.
  • Train: It is undoubtedly one of the most comfortable, you can get up for a walk, go to the bathroom or to the cafeteria.

I hope I have helped you, above all, to eliminate myths that exist around pregnancy and that many times do not allow the mother to fully enjoy herself.

Maribel Martin

When we are pregnant, changes are coming and many doubts plague us, that is why it is important surround yourself with positive opinions, experiences and… thoughts. Undoubtedly, the best thing is to enjoy those nine months to the fullest that are going to change everything. What better way can you think of to do it than traveling? To us, none. That is why during the pregnancy we have been in Mauricio, Lisboa, Granada, LanzaroteGran Canaria, Tenerife, Barcelona, ten days in a camper in the south of Francea Mediterranean cruise, Copenhagen, berlin, Prague, Budapest y Roma.


If you liked this article or you are thinking of traveling with a baby, you may be interested in:

– Guide to traveling with a baby by plane.
– Guide to traveling with a baby.
– Complementary feeding of the baby while traveling: the BLW
– I am a traveling mother, I am afraid.
– Total, if you are not going to remember.
– From the other side of the belly.
– Guide to Tokyo with children.
– Guide to travel with children to Colombia.
– Guide to Shanghai with children.
– Travel insurance yes, insurance no.
– Guide to traveling with children to South Africa.


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