The burrito or flour burrito is a dish of Mexican origin that consists of a cylindrical rolled wheat flour tortilla filled with various ingredients and is usually accompanied by refried beans. It is always made by folding a tortilla, usually smaller than the burrito size, around the filling, which can be practically any food or stew.
See a great Mexican burrito recipe for you to make at home!
Juicy Beef Mexican Burrito
minutesTo make this a simple and easy Mexican burrito recipe, you will need the ingredients listed below. Follow the instructions in the preparation mode.
- Burrito
1 Medium Onions
2 Cloves Garlic
1 Sweet Pepper
400g Minced Beef
300g Chopped Tomato
400g Red Kidney beans
1 Tbsp Oil
- Seasoning
1 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Paprika
1 Tsp Chili Flakes
1/2 White Pepper
10g Beef Bouillon
- Garnish
1 Diced Fresh Tomato
1 Medium Diced Red Onions
1 Avocado
1 Cup shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
- Prepare all the vegetables cutting into small pieces;
- Sweat the onions and garlic (let it brown);
- Add minced beef (fry a little);
- Add seasoning;
- Add sweet peppers;
- Add tomato & simmer for 5 minutes;
- Add beans & continue to simmer;
- Ready when beans become hot;
- Warm wrap & assemble burrito;
- Add mozzarella cheese & beef;
- Garnish with onions & tomato;
- Cilantro, avocado & cheddar cheese;
- Wrap together;
- Wrap & bake in a pre-heated oven;
- Bake at 180°C for 10 minutes;
- Your Juicy Beef Mexican Burrito is ready!