Paris, the city of love and light, is a destination that fascinates with its rich history, impressive architecture and vibrant cultural life. For those who wish to explore this metropolis in three days, here is a detailed itinerary, with additional suggestions for those who can extend their stay.

Day 1: Icons of Paris

Start your day at the Eiffel Tower, the most recognizable symbol of Paris. Climb to the top for panoramic views of the city. To avoid long lines, purchase tickets online in advance.

Tip: Arrive early to avoid the crowds and take spectacular photos in the morning light.

Cross the Seine and head to the Louvre Museum, the largest art museum in the world. Don’t miss the opportunity to see the Mona Lisa (Mona Lisa), the Venus de Milo and the Victory of Samothrace. Remember that the museum is huge, so prioritize the works that interest you the most.

Tip: Download the Louvre app for a more informative, self-guided tour.

End the day in the Marais neighborhood, known for its cobblestone streets, fashionable boutiques, and lively bars and restaurants. Dine in one of the charming bistros and enjoy the Parisian atmosphere.

Day 2: Art and Culture

Visit the Notre-Dame Cathedral, a masterpiece of French Gothic. Although the cathedral was damaged in the 2019 fire, you can still admire its façade and explore the Île de la Cité.

Tip: Take a boat ride on the Seine from here to get a different perspective of Paris’ monuments.

Head to the Musée d’Orsay, housed in a former train station, which houses an impressive collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art. Enjoy works by Monet, Van Gogh, Renoir and more.

Photo: alanxelmundo

Tip: Have lunch at the museum café, which offers stunning views of the Seine and the city.

Explore Montmartre, the bohemian neighborhood famous for the Moulin Rouge and the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Climb up to the basilica to see the city illuminated at night, then stroll through Place du Tertre, where local artists display their work.

Day 3: History and Beauty

Start your day at the Palace of Versailles, a short train ride from Paris. This magnificent palace is an example of the opulence of the French monarchy, with its splendid gardens and the famous Hall of Mirrors.

Tip: Buy tickets online to avoid the lines and consider renting a bike to tour the extensive gardens.

Back in Paris, visit the Luxembourg Gardens, a perfect place to relax after an intense morning. Stroll through the gardens, rent a remote-controlled boat to cruise the pond, and enjoy a break on one of the green chairs.

For a memorable last dinner, head to Saint-Germain-des-Prés, known for its historic cafes such as Les Deux Magots and Café de Flore. Sample classic French cuisine and end the night with a stroll along the Seine.

If you have 4 days or more: Places to add

  • Explore the Latin Quarter: Known for its student atmosphere, charming alleys and the historic Sorbonne University. Visit the Pantheon and the Luxembourg Gardens.
  • Visit the Pompidou Center: This museum of modern and contemporary art stands out not only for its exhibitions but also for its unique architecture.
  • Tour the Rodin Museum: Surrounded by beautiful gardens, this museum is home to many of the sculptor’s most famous works, including “The Thinker.”
  • Excursion to Giverny: Home of Claude Monet, where you can visit his house and the gardens that inspired many of his most famous works.

  • Visit Disneyland Paris: Ideal for families and those looking for a day of fun and magic.
  • You cannot miss the Sainte-Chapelle, a French Gothic jewel located on the Île de la Cité. This chapel, built in the 13th century by order of King Louis IX to house the relics of the Passion of Christ, is famous for its impressive stained glass windows that cover almost all of its walls. With 15 windows that reach 15 meters high, the stained glass windows narrate more than 1,000 biblical scenes that bathe the interior in a kaleidoscope of colors when sunlight passes through them.

Paris, with its mix of history, art, culture and charm, guarantees an unforgettable experience for all travelers. Plan ahead and enjoy every corner of this magnificent city to the fullest.


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