Nestled in the heart of the Yucatan Peninsula, the Hacienda Mucuyché It emerges as a historical treasure that offers a window into Mexico’s colonial past. This hacienda, with its traditional architecture and lush natural environment, invites travelers to immerse themselves in a unique cultural experience.

It is located one hour from Mérida and its facilities are ideal for exploring cenotes and traveling through the culture of the Peninsula.

Photo: Hacienda Mucuyché

History and cultural heritage

Built in the 17th century, Hacienda Mucuyché was a prosperous henequen plantation during the colonial era and the rise of the henequen industry in Yucatán. Its Spanish colonial architecture and vast grounds reflect the wealth and lifestyle of the time.

Currently, the hacienda has been restored to preserve its historical heritage and provides food, entertainment and cultural services to its visitors.

Photo: Hacienda Mucuyché

What to see and do

As you explore Hacienda Mucuyché, you will be able to admire its beautiful gardens, patios, and historic buildings. Many haciendas in Yucatán, including Mucuyché, offer guided tours that explain the history of the place and how the henequen industry worked, it is worth taking!

In addition, they will be able to learn about the architecture and daily life in a colonial hacienda while touring its restored rooms and spaces.

Cenote exploration

Hacienda Mucuyché is also famous for its cenotes, an integral part of the visit and in addition to being allowed to swim in them, an explanation is provided to understand their historical and cultural importance:

  • Cenote Carlota: This semi-open cenote, with depths of up to 7 meters, will invite you to cool off with its crystalline waters after exploring the hacienda.

The cenote owes its name to a historical event: in 1865, the empress of Mexico, Carlota, on her trip through the Yucatán Peninsula towards Campeche, became the first people to bathe in these waters, adding a touch of history to her natural beauty.

Both in this cenote and in the Azul Maya you can see stalagmites and stalactites, be careful with this natural wonder!

  • The canal: To move between the cenotes, you can cross a canal that will allow you to completely immerse yourself in nature.

Whether swimming or walking along the stone path, you will enjoy the tranquility, natural beauty and fresh atmosphere of the canal.

  • Mayan Blue Cenote: Immersing yourself in the majesty of this cavern-type cenote is an ineffable experience. It is recommended to do it in silence and it is a journey to the depths of the earth.

Just like Dante’s experience in Hell, the ancestral worldview of the area is understood, which explains this immersion with the entrance to Xibalbá (place of fear), a kind of underworld.

If you can, enter with Googles. It is impressive to see the depths of the cenote that seem to have paths and paths inside the water. The experience is overwhelming.

The ancient Mayans considered these sites sacred, and you can discover why as you admire their unique beauty and feel the serenity that emanates from their crystal-clear waters.

Available services

Hacienda Mucuyché offers a variety of services for the comfort and enjoyment of its visitors such as

  • Parking lot
  • Guided Tours in the Hacienda and the Cenotes
  • Rental Bags for Shelter
  • Bathrooms and Showers
  • Life Jacket Equipment
  • Staff and Paramedics at your service

  • restaurant
  • Swimming pool
  • Photography Service (with additional cost)
  • Handicraft shop
Photo: AXM

Tips for your visit

  • Use of Aqua Shoes: Due to the characteristics of the terrain and the cenotes, the use of Aqua Shoes is recommended for greater comfort and safety.
  • Plan your visit: Check opening times and consider booking your tour in advance, especially if you plan to visit during busy periods.
  • Dress appropriately: Wear comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear for walking on uneven terrain and exploring the cenotes.
  • Respect the environment: Help preserve the natural and cultural heritage by keeping the sites you visit clean and following the instructions of local guides, such as remaining silent or not touching certain things.


– General Adult: $650

– Child General: $390

– INAPAM General: $390


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