Today I am going to show you some images of a short but exciting experience with my father in what is popularly known as «The Pond on the path of the Brotherhood of Rocío de Huelva«.
The passage of the Brotherhood of Huelva through the pond of the Cañada stream is one of the most anticipated and most emotional moments for the Roceroros who accompany the Brotherhood of Huelva on the way to the village of Dewsince it is here where more than a thousand people gather and the place where Paco Millán, one of the most famous authors of Rocío lyrics in the country and loved by the people of Huelva, Rocío, sings every year.
The Rocío Pilgrimage as it passes through La Charca with the Brotherhood of Huelva
Since I was born and until my first 17 years (for those curious, I am now 51) the Rocío pilgrimage was part of my life. That’s what it’s like to live just 20 kilometers from the Almonteña village and grow up in a family with Rocío customs.
I remember with great affection every experience with my father related to the world of horses, such as take out of the mares June 26, but especially those moments when, beginning the month of May of each year, always accompanied by my father, and after finishing the hard work in the field, I spent hours and hours at my grandparents’ house preparing saddles , bridles, shooting harness, boots and chaps while we commented on the many experiences of years ago doing the «Rocío road«.
Although after that period of my life I decided not to continue so intensely with this tradition so deeply rooted in the lives of my parents, all that comes to my memory on this date, without nostalgia, with affection, as it should be, because one is all that has lived.
- One million pilgrims come to Rocío grouped in brotherhoods, which are usually created in towns and cities (currently there are 127 subsidiary brotherhoods, plus the Headquarters, other non-filial and international brotherhoods). Among the most popular are those of HuelvaTriana, County RocianaVillamanrique de la Condesa and Sanlúcar de Barrameda.
- The Brotherhood of Huelva leads a large number of pilgrims to Rocío. It is normally accompanied by about 8,000 people, 1,000 horses, 50 traditional carts, 50 charrets, dozens of tractors and several carts. It is especially striking how the men who accompany the Brotherhood of Huelva wear the classic jacket but in white that gradually acquires a black color as a result of the well-known «road dust«.
That unforgettable moment at the pond with my father
25 years after those experiences I wanted to remember some of those moments. I will always remember Friday, May 22, 2015 when, the clock striking 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon, I interrupted my father’s rest at almost 80 years old to tell him: «Dad, let’s go and relive the memory. Let’s go to the Pond on the Huelva road!«.
I leave you with some images of the memory of that “rociera” afternoon, a memory that will remain alive in my memory forever.