The recent changes in the 2022 – 2023 school calendar warrant updating information in your agenda, therefore, in this post “Summer Holidays 2023, dates of the SEPWe tell you the details.
If you are a mother of children and/or adolescents of school age or are studying at the university, you should always keep your agenda up to date; technical advice, vacations and holidays are key dates, not only to know when to attend or have to leave the little ones in someone’s care, but also to plan a little trip or a nice tour when possible.
In addition, knowing dates is an advantage when it comes to taking advantage of the good promotions that can be presented, for example, in the next Hot Sale 2023, so, without further ado, let’s see when the 2023 summer holidays begin and other details of the changes made by the Ministry of Public Education.
SEP 2022-2023 Calendar
When it comes to understanding the dates published by the SEP and defining when the 2023 summer holidays begin, it is possible that the subject becomes somewhat confusing due to the fact that there are several calendars.
In principle, for initial education we have one of 190 days and another of 195 days of classes; here we must clarify that one is for Basic Education, that of 190 days, and is applicable to public and private preschool, primary and secondary schools incorporated into the National Education System.
The other calendar, of 195 days, is for normal schools dedicated to teacher training.
On the other hand, we have a different calendar for those who are in high school, and although they have similarities in the dates of holidays and Easter vacations, when it comes to summer vacations, they are different.
To know specific details you can consult the calendar in the following link.
The differences also apply when we talk about the calendar that guides the academic activities of university education, for which it may be useful to take the UNAM Calendar as a reference.
With these clear data, you should not have problems when interpreting the calendar.
Do the 2022-2023 Calendar Changes affect the 2023 summer vacation?
Before the end of March 2023, the SEP communicated some adjustments to the school calendar current, they are:
It was decided to postpone the Intensive Continuing Training Workshop for teachers (without students), which had a date from June 5 to 9; The new dates will apply to the end of the school year, specifically from July 20 to 26.
This means that The mega bridge planned for children and adolescents who attend basic school stipulated for those first days of June is cancelled.
The second change establishes that the Intensive Continuous Training Workshop for teachers (with the presence of students) contemplated in the school calendar for the weeks of July 3 to 7 and the week of July 10 to 14 of the same month is eliminated. This implies that students will continue working on a daily basis during those dates.
Finally, and we could say that it is the most important, is that the conclusion of classes will be on July 19, although the end of the cycle is on July 26 as scheduled.
In summary, basic education students go on vacation on July 19, 2023. On the other hand, teachers must work (without children) until the end of the cycle on July 26
Below we leave a photo of the 2022-2023 school calendar without modifications and another of the updated calendar.
Updated Calendar
calendar not updated
Never doubt that a trip on your next vacation will be an excellent idea, Mexico offers you a long list of beautiful destinations that you will love to visit.
You’ll always have a beautiful city or beach to relax nearby, so time and money don’t have to be an impediment; a week or just a couple of days you have to dedicate to pampering yourself.
The Morelos spas are excellent alternatives to enjoy from 1 day to a full vacation week, especially if you go with children, since many of them have water parks to enjoy the day and then you can take the opportunity to walk around.
For those who love the heat and are encouraged by the high temperatures of the south of the country, Palenque is a very good option, not only will they be dazzled by the beauty of the archaeological zone, they will also find the Misol Ha Waterfall very close with an impressive natural environment . In the same area, the Chukumaltik cenote in Comitán de Domínguez will be perfect for cooling off and the walk through San Cristóbal de las Casas will amaze you.
Also keep in mind the theme parks, Six Flags has options in Mexico City and Oaxtepec to have a great time.
Also add to your list of options the beaches of Campeche and Yucatan, there are several alternatives to have a great time; Isla Aguada and Progreso are two of the most chosen destinations, you will love knowing them. And since we are there, you can encourage yourself to visit the beaches of Veracruz, especially Isla del Medio, a paradise that will not disappoint you.
For more suggestions check our blog, there are many proposals to walk, get to know and enjoy Mexico that will fascinate you.