Narita Airport in Japan joins the One Piece franchise, which has been captivating its followers for more than 25 years and more than 1,000 episodes with the story of Monkey D. Luffy, a young man with the dream of becoming the King. of the Pirates.
After the premiere of a series on Netflix and the success of its card game, launched last year, the air terminal will exhibit throughout the month of October an exhibition with some of the most popular cards from the One Piece Card Game.
Through a gallery, visitors will be able to learn a little more about the dynamics, characters and art of the One Piece Card Game in the North Wing 4F of Terminal 1 of Narita Airport, Bandai Card Game announced.
In addition, you will be able to see some of the cards in this game in Japanese (original language), English and Chinese. As well as create your own DON card with scenes from the manga.
With more than two decades of history, “One Piece” remains one of the most beloved and popular manga and anime franchises in the world. One Piece: The Card Game is an exciting way for fans to further immerse themselves in this incredible universe of pirates, adventure and friendship.