Every good adventure begins on the road and the plane is one of the preferred and most convenient forms of transportation for travelers. Whether it is a destination near or far, it is essential to prepare to enjoy the experience.

If this is your first time traveling by plane or you simply want to get the most out of your flight and not neglect your health, these tips are for you:

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Choose comfortable clothes for the trip

When packing your suitcase, it is essential to check the weather at the destination you will visit, but it is just as important to wear clothes during the flight that make you feel comfortable and, above all, take care of your health.

If your trip is long, the circulation could be affected and, in extreme cases, you could suffer a thrombosis. To avoid it, I share the following tips:

  • Never sleep with your legs bent or crossed.
  • Stretch your legs and walk the halls at least every hour and a half.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that does not obstruct circulation.
  • Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and soft drinks as they dehydrate.
  • For people with circulation problems it is advisable to see a doctor before the trip.
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Take care of the health and cleanliness of your skin

On flights, especially long ones, the skin can suffer from dehydration and it is important to take care of it before, during and after the trip to keep it protected and healthy.

Before your flight, integrate into your daily beauty routines, both in the morning and at night, the use of highly moisturizing serums and creams to prevent a bit of dryness caused by the air conditioning in the cabin.

Drinking water throughout the journey will help maintain moisture from the deepest layers of the epidermis. It is important to avoid coffee and alcohol since, due to their diuretic effect, they can dehydrate them.

There’s nothing more uncomfortable than an airplane bathroom, and certainly staying clean can be an impossible task. In those cases, we have found in the gloves MediClean a dry bathroom option that will allow them to drive away bad odors and feel fresh after a long trip. In addition to coming in a compact package that fits in your carry-on suitcase, its dermatologist-tested formula will help keep your skin hydrated.

After the flight, don’t forget to continue your skin care routine, your skin will thank you!

Don’t forget your medicines

If you take medicines permanently, it is important to take them with you and, in case of any eventuality, show your prescription.

Visit your doctor in case you have questions about your treatment and ask, if possible, for a sheet with your evolution with all your conditions, in case of emergency.

*TipAXM there are small medicine organizers where you can put your medicines for days and thus avoid carrying your boxes.

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Be careful with food restrictions

In case you have food restrictions or a special diet, remember to notify your airline in advance so that your menu for that day does not harm you. From their flight reservation they can make these changes, often at no extra charge.

In case you bring your own snacks, investigate the things that you can and cannot take in your suitcase according to your airline and destination.

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Always travel with insurance

As the saying goes “it is better to be safe than sorry” and many times by avoiding this small step we can end up spending much more money and time in the event of an accident, illness, loss of luggage or even a cancellation.

Insurance generally includes coverage for health services, loss of luggage and even provides for the death of the holder, choose the one that best suits your needs!

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Enjoy the flight!

Source: https://alanxelmundo.com/consejos-de-salud-para-viajar-en-avion/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=consejos-de-salud-para-viajar-en-avion

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