Anyone who has never tasted a snack or barbecue with green sauce doesn’t know what they’re missing!

Green Sauce

Recipe by caion


Prep time


Cooking timeminutes

Gather the ingredients and prepare in the comfort of your home a delicious green sauce just like a cafeteria!


  • 100 ml of olive oil or oil

  • 200 ml of very cold milk

  • 3 cloves of garlic

  • Parsley to taste

  • Chives to taste

  • Salt to taste


  • Add the cold milk, salt to taste, garlic cloves to the blender and blend for about 30 seconds. 
    Add the chives, chopped parsley to taste and beat again.
  • Add the olive oil or oil to the mixture and beat until it has a thick consistency. 
    If you want it thicker, gradually add more oil or olive oil until you reach the consistency you prefer and the green sauce is ready to be used.

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