Today June 23 we celebrate Blessed Lanfranco of Pavia who was a Christian priest and bishop.

Blessed Lanfranco of Pavia was born in Gropello Cairoli, Italy, in the year 1124 and died in Pavia, Italy, on June 23, 1198.

Blessed Lanfranco of Pavia was consecrated by Pope Alexander III as bishop of Pavia in the year 1159 and is widely remembered for being a staunch defender of ecclesiastical rights against the civil power that was being established in the city of Po.

In fact, Blessed Lanfranco de Pavia was forced to leave his diocese due to disagreements with the local authorities.

That is why in the year 1118 he traveled to Rome to ask for the support of the pope, which of course was granted.

Already tired of fighting Blessed Lanfranco de Pavia returned to his region to live in a monastery near the city.

There is no more information about the life and work of Blessed Lanfranco de Pavia, although what is certain is that his celebration takes place on the day June 23.

#DeFeriaenFeria #Santoral #SantosCatólicos


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